Coimbatore Sree Narayana Mission is in existence for the past 64 years now, and is focussing in service activities in the fields of Education and Spirtual well being. In the year 1983 the mission paved way for the emergence of Sree Narayana Guru Educational Trust ( SNGET) to cater the need of higher education in Coimbatore and it started off with the establishment of Sree Narayana Guru Polytechnic College (SNGPC) in the year 1984. Soon after in the year 1994 the Sree Narayana Guru College came into existentence.
In the year 1990 Sree Narayana Mission Matriculation School commenced operations in Saibaba colony and then followed by Sree Narayana Mission Matriculation Higher Secondary School at Kuniyamuthur in the year 2002.
Presently, with the aim of widening its service activities, Sree Narayana Mission has started its 2nd Trust in the name and style of “Coimbatore Sree Narayana Guru Charitable Trust”. The trust was registered on 08.06.2022 and formally inaugurated on 19.06.2022 by Brahma Sree Sachidanantha Swamy, the madathipathy of Sivagiri Mutt, at a grand function arranged in Sree Narayana Mission Prayer Hall.
The Elderly population are an integral part of any society. The aged population in India is exponentially increasing due to the impressive gains that society has made in terms of longer life expectancy, they deserve due respect and care as they are equal to any other strata of society. However, due to modernization and changing family structure, the elderly population is facing inevitable challenges in their life to live with respect.
With the rise in elderly population, the demand for holistic care tends to grow. There are hundreds of Old Age Homes in Tamilnadu. It is important to understand the social aspects concerning aged in the country as they go through the process of ageing. Loneliness, negligence, careless attitude, illness due to ageing and insufficient medical care are the most significant of the treacherous conditions which they are facing now. CSNGCT (COIMBATORE SREE NARAYANA GURU CHARTIABLE TRUST) has identified these needs and to provide the elderly with the required support, the Trust is looking forward to set up such care giving unit or commonly known as old age homes for 100-150 elderly people in the year 2023.
Although CSNGCT realizes that an elderly person deserves an attention from their family but looking at the data it is found that the number of neglected elderly people are rapidly increasing and there is a huge need of an intervention to address the problems that the elderly people are facing at the moment. CSNGC TRUST has proposed to purchase 4.36 acres of land near by madukkarai in Ettimadai village ( back side of Mallaiyan petrol bunk) 200 meters away from NH (opposite side of Sree Narayana Guru polytechnic college) and entered in to an agreement. The registration is scheduled in the immediate future.
The Trust is also planning to Institute a Nursing College, to promote good nursing community to the society in the name and blessings of SREE NARAYANA GURU DEVA. Trust also plan to institute a public school with an aim to motivate our student community to know about our traditional wealth in education.
It is our desire to invite each and every devotees of Sree Narayana Guru to associate with the trust.
Sree Narayana Guru (20 August 1856 – 20 September 1928) was a saint, philosopher, spiritual leader, and a social reformer from Kerala, India. Driven by the strong desire to break superstitions and taboos that were holding back the Indian society from progress, the Guru underwent years of strict penance and meditation before attaining enlightenment. Following which he went on to pave the way for social reform and change in India. So great was his influence that he attracted some of the greatest thinkers, philosophers, and fellow social reformers of his time, who sought his advice and/or aided him in his efforts. These included luminaries such as Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath/Tagore, and many others, who were all enthused by the Guru’s ideals and teachings He coined the famous quote – ‘One caste, one religion, one god for all’ and preached the noble ideal of the ‘oneness of mankind’ He devoted most of his life to promoting social equality and emphasised the need for education and spiritual growth for the upliftment of the downtrodden.